New Product Available for out-licensing!

We would like to announce to all our B2B business partners that Omeprazole 20 mg Immediate Release Capsules dossier is ready and we are now able to offer the product for out-licensing in selected markets in Europe on an exclusive or semi-exclusive base. The dossier can also be adjusted to markets outside Europe based on request. ✍🏼
“It took not even a year for our pivotal study to be finished as the clinical/regulatory feasibility has been confirmed during Scientific Advice with the Medical Product Agency this month,“ declares Head of B2B Europe Tomáš Pilarčík.
“These improvements are important for us. We can offer our business partners and future partners products with added value and considerable benefits for the people who depend on these medicines ” 🃏
To discover our new improvements and for partnering up, quickly contact Tomas PilarcikRahul PadhyeClara Vitaller Baguena or Nina Fuentes de Tienda
#zent2u #b2b #outlicensing #innovation